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Do you get the credit you feel you deserve?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Do you get the credit you feel you deserve?

This subject for me is going to be mostly opinion. What I see in life are two general view points.
1) Idealistic-this is the way things should be. Example- in a relationship the main thing that would matter would be personality, effort, good heart and common interest. You would not think about money, looks, social class etc.... because your love for that person as a person would overrule all.

2)Realistic-another name I use for this is a "shallow man's view point". This is the way things are for most people. As much as you want to look at idealistic things, somewhere along the line you are usually taught to look for material things(not always, but most people I've met are like this). Example- you meet someone with a bad skin complexion and you choose not to deal with them because you can't stand the way they look. This is sad because that could be a great person for all you know, unfortunately I see alot of people that will do that and the younger they are the more common that can be.

You probably are wondering where this fits in with my subject. Well then, I'll do that now for you. How many times have you gone for a promotion and have got turned down in place of someone less qualified? You ever notice that the person is better looking than you, built better or just plain brown noses all the time. I'm not saying this happens all the time, but I hear alot about it.

In my personal life I do alot of freestyle dancing. I'm not trying to say I'm the best ever, but for my size and weight I do believe I'm awesome at what I do. There are plenty of time I will go to a club and dance and someone does something similar to what I will do and people give them credit, yet if I do those moves(even 100x better then they are) I will never get credit. Someone once came up to me and said "For your size and weight you are an incredible dancer, but because of your size and weight people think you are ugly and hate what you do, how sad but true life is". Regardless of what was said, I still continue to do what I do because other opinions do not control my life. Unfortunately, the most I can hope for is respect, because that is the only thing I've ever gotten for anything I've ever done in life.

I'm not saying this is everyone's story, but from what I've seen in life the people that seem to get the most credit are considered very good looking, well built(physically fit), have money, some level of fame or just got lucky to have alot of friends and play the popularity game well enough to keep their friends.

I will say this, if you do get credit for something you did and (like me) you don't have very much going for I will say you are damn good.

If you have some input or would like to tell a story where you did get credit I'd love to hear it. Thanks again for reading this and remember this forum 98% opinion.

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